Aurora Basinski-Ferris (they/them)
PhD Candidate, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
abf376 [at] nyu [dot] edu

I’m a final year PhD student at the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science at NYU’s Courant Institute being advised by Laure Zanna.

I am working on problems related to large scale climate and ocean dynamics. My PhD work so far has used various methodologies including response theory to understand perturbations of the climate system, developing theory from simplified geophysical fluid dynamics models, and working with an ocean model (MITgcm) run in idealized set-ups.

Recent Work

An analytical theory for the sensitivity of regional sea level adjustment to the depth of Antarctic meltwater fluxes, (submitted)
Aurora Basinski-Ferris, Laure Zanna, Ian Eisenman
The sensitivity of regional sea level changes to the depth of Antarctic meltwater fluxes, (submitted)
Ian Eisenman, Aurora Basinski-Ferris, Emma Beer, Laure Zanna
Estimating freshwater flux amplification with ocean tracers via linear response theory, Earth System Dynamics
Aurora Basinski-Ferris and Laure Zanna