Aurora Basinski-Ferris (they/them)
Postdoc, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
abasinskiferris [at] ucsd [dot] edu

I’m a Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow at Scripps Institution of Oceanography working with Ian Eisenman. I received my PhD in September 2024 from the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science within NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, advised by Laure Zanna.

I am interested in large-scale climate and ocean dynamics, especially building understanding using theoretical tools and model hierarchies. My work has included methodologies such as response theory to understand perturbations of the climate system, developing theory from idealized geophysical fluid dynamics models, and working with ocean models run in simplified set-ups.

Recent Work

Diagnosing the pattern effect in the atmosphere-ocean coupled system through linear response theory, (submitted)
Fabrizio Falasca, ABF, Laure Zanna, Ming Zhao
A theory for how the depth of meltwater injection impacts regional sea level evolution, (submitted)
ABF, Laure Zanna, Ian Eisenman
The Sensitivity of the Spatial Pattern of Sea Level Changes to the Depth of Antarctic Meltwater Fluxes, Geophysical Research Letters
Ian Eisenman, ABF, Emma Beer, Laure Zanna
Estimating freshwater flux amplification with ocean tracers via linear response theory, Earth System Dynamics
ABF and Laure Zanna